guidelines // 


Mission, Vision, and Grant Guidelines


The Sandy River Charitable Foundation endeavors to engender the physical and social well being and encourage the human spirit of our neighbors throughout the world.


The Sandy River Charitable Foundation endeavors to fulfill its mission through a three pronged approach:

International: community and regional projects that address the causes of predicament and set forth a process leading to a sustainable self sufficient condition.

Within Maine: social, economic, arts, cultural, education, and community recreation programs.

National(US): Regional projects falling within the scope of International and Maine guidelines.


All proposals shall be submitted in response to an invitation from The Sandy River Charitable Foundation. Unsolicited proposals are not accepted. Receipt of an invitation does not constitute a grant commitment on the part of The Sandy River Charitable Foundation.

The Sandy River Charitable Foundation will only distribute grants to qualified 501(c)(3) Public Charities: organizations currently recognized by the US Internal Revenue Service as being described in Section 509(a)(1)- also known as 170(b)(1)(A) groups, 509(a)(2), or 509(a)(3) of the Tax Code. The Foundation does not make grants to individuals.

The Foundation will support general administration and such costs related to a specific project.

Multiple sources for project funding are encouraged, but not mandatory.


The Sandy River Charitable Foundation chooses organizations from which to invite proposals through an internal board directed process. The Foundation board and staff actively search for opportunities that fulfill the board's interpretation of the Foundation's mission. We believe this process allows the Foundation to maximize its efficiency by concentrating its resources pursuing efforts it intends to fund, and minimizes unnecessary resource expenditure by organizations searching for funding.

The Sandy River
Charitable Foundation

349 Voter Hill Road
Farmington, Maine 04938
Administration Office

P.O. Box 1539
North Baldwin, NY 11510-0771
516.379.6309 (voice)

Management Office

604 Bettlewood Avenue
Collingswood, NJ  08108